George Murray / Poet, Word-Lover / and Father.

Thanks for stopping by!  This blog is about my dad, and his love of words.

He left us in February 2010, but his words, typed and written, live on…
Please come back often, as we post his work, published and unpublished, public and personal, in the days ahead.  Oh, and be sure to Follow, Like, and Subscribe to George Murray, Poet…
We hope you enjoy the words and wordplay of George Murray, on this site!
  - Russ Murray, on behalf of my other two siblings (children), and the many grandchildren, etc., of George Murray, Poet…
P.S. Some of you may realize the title of this post is a haiku, which I wrote, mindful of my father and all his wordy lessons…that’s why I have a poetry blog of my own focusing on the short, micro-poetry of haiku & senryu, but inspired by him…


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